How Much of Your Life Are You WastingWithout Even Realizing?

The #1 resource in this world isn't's not energy......and it's not's TIME.If I could guarantee you more of it, how much would that be worth to you?

Hey there 👋🏻 my name is Sebastian Hox and I help time-conscious professionals save 200+ hours/year by maximizing their daily routine.And to be honest, I completely fell into this movement by accident:

"The doctor said I'd be dead by 30"

June 28, 1996.I was 7 years old. My older brother and I did everything together. Video games. Sports. School. We even lived in the same room at home. And we slept on bunk beds.One day, for some unknown reason, we were getting a replacement bunk bed.My dad had picked out the bunk bed at the local furniture store. It was sleek, sturdy-looking, and — most importantly — cheap. He had waved off the safety guard option as an unnecessary expense. “We don't need that,” he said with a dismissive shrug when my mom hesitated.I think you know where this is going.Two nights later, I was sleeping in sweet serenity on the top bunk when, all of a sudden, I (along with everyone else) was woken up by the loud THUD of me falling face first onto the floor.My nose cracked. The pain came a second later, along with a hot explosion of blood that bloomed in the center of my face and spread outward. I remember screaming, clutching my face, and the coppery taste of blood flooding my mouth.But what no one realized at the time was that the damage wasn’t just cosmetic. Over the weeks and months that followed, I noticed it was harder to breathe through my nose. My mom would stand over me at night, listening to the rasping, uneven sound of my breath. Eventually, it became easier just to keep my mouth open.Years passed, and breathing through my nose became a distant memory. I adjusted. I became the kid who always looked slightly slack-jawed in photos, who struggled through gym class because I could never quite catch my breath.
When I was sixteen, my mom took me to a specialist. After a few minutes of prodding and scanning, the doctor leaned back in his chair, arms crossed.
Your septum is severely deviated,” he said, his voice heavy with concern. “If you don’t get this fixed, you're setting yourself up for chronic respiratory infections. You could end up with pneumonia, and if that happens repeatedly…well, let’s just say you might not see 30.
My mom gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. I just sat there, stunned. Thirty? That felt impossibly old and terrifyingly close all at once.
We couldn’t afford the surgery. Insurance didn’t cover it fully, and life always seemed to have other priorities: bills, food, school fees.
It’s strange how one decision can leave a mark on your life that never really fades.I accepted my fate. I decided that if I'm going to die early, I would at least take every opportunity I could to live life to the fullest and maximize my time on this earth in every way possible.I looked for ways to save time in every aspect of life I possibly could:
Were there faster ways to complete everyday tasks? How many of them actually had no real impact? What activities should I start doing?
I was determined to find the answers. And over the next number of years, that’s exactly what I did.Fortunately, I lived past 30 (whew!) And better still, all the knowledge from my experiments became my new lifestyle. Over many years, not only have I been able to maximize the time I do have, I've found more of it!Contrary to what you’ve heard, you can create time for yourself. There are everyday ways to stretch the clock in ways you may have never even considered.My health scare was a blessing in disguise: it sparked the pretext for what this online program has evolved into. I’m glad it’s finally here, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

This isn't time management, it's time optimization

If you’re on this page, I’m going to presume that you’re here because you feel like there’s never enough time in the day to get everything done.You’re tired of constantly juggling tasks, missing deadlines, and feeling overwhelmed by an ever-growing to-do list. If that’s the case, I can help you regain control of your schedule, prioritize what truly matters, and accomplish more with less stress.If I could share proven time management strategies that have helped countless others boost productivity and create more balance in their lives, how would that impact your daily routine, your peace of mind, and your overall success?To tell you exactly how my time management system works… it’s a simple guide designed to help you prioritize tasks, eliminate distractions, and create a daily routine that will maximize efficiency without burnout.I know what you’re thinking: is this real, or just another system that looks good on paper but falls apart in real life?It took me YEARS to refine and test my system, learning through trial and error what actually works in the real world......but it was all worth it.This time optimization system either provides you with the tools to reclaim your time, OR you get all your money back. All I ask is that you sit through the entire program and give it an honest chance.Your success and results truly are the priority. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get you started by clicking the button below and take control of your time today.But I can’t share this time management program forever. I pride myself on providing the absolute best service to my students, and I can only do that for a limited number of people at a time. That’s why I only let 10 new students in per month so I can uphold such a high standard of service.I make that promise to you, just like I’ve made it to my other clients, so for the above reasons, I will be removing this program from sale when my community reaches a certain size.Time is the only resource you can’t earn back. But there’s a proven way to reclaim hundreds of hours every year without sacrificing your health, career, or happiness...

In less than a month you'll learn how to:

• Turn your thoughts 'hyper' productive
• Have more energy on LESS sleep
• Use other people’s time instead of your own
• Shower in HALF the time
• Eat in the “perfect” window of time
Extend your life through 4 (incredibly basic) exercises
• Take your nights & weekends back
• Work fewer hours, but get MORE done
• Make your phone a productivity machine with 3 simple hacks
• Utilize "the 5 time laws" to your advantage
• Browse the web with 250% more efficiency
• Employ secret ways to get FAST restaurant service
• and much more!!!



Take the course at your own pace, win back your hours and make 2025 the best year of your life.



I'll hop on a call and create a personalized plan specifically catered to your needs and lifestyle.

you might be asking:

Why is this program so expensive?
"Expensive" is relative to what you're comparing it to. If you make $40 an hour and I can save you even 1 HOUR A WEEK, you'll have made your money back (and then some) in less than a year. And the beauty is, you'll keep making savings for the rest of your life! This is quite easily the best return on investment you'll ever make.
How is this program different?
This might sound arrogant or prideful, but this is the absolute BEST time optimization program out there. I have bought all the time management courses on Udemy and they were subpar at best and laughable at worst. There is nothing else like this on the market. You can trust me on that.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yep. If you went through the entire program and still found it unsatisfactory, just contact us and we'll process a refund, no questions asked.

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